Inspired by recent works on Nazi empire, this book provides a framework to guide occupation research with a broad comparative angle focusing on human interactions. Overcoming national compartmentalization, it examines Nazi occupations with attention to relations between occupiers and local populations and differences among occupation regimes.
This is a timely book which engages in historical and current conversations on European nationalisms and the rise of right-wing populisms.
S’inscrivant dans le renouveau historiographique sur l’empire nazi, l’ouvrage propose, à travers 12 contributions, un aperçu des recherches sur l’Occupation à partir d’une approche comparative. Dépassant les compartimentations nationales pour prendre en compte les transferts d’expériences et les circulations d’une guerre mondiale à l’autre, d’un front à l’autre, l’ouvrage considère les occupations nazies en portant une attention toute particulière aux relations entre occupants et populations locales comme aux différences entre régimes d’occupation en Europe.
Raffael M. Scheck is Audrey Wade Hittinger Katz and Sheldon Toby Katz Professor of History at Colby College, Maine, USA
Fabien Théofilakis is Associate Professor of History at University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Julia Torrie is Professor of History at St. Thomas University, Canada