Archives par mot-clé : Moyen-Orient

Call For Paper International Conference: Animation in Africa and the Arab World

The Arab Democratic Center in Berlin is pleased to launch a call for papers for the International Hybrid Conference on

Appel à contribution Conférence International, « L’art de l’animation en Afrique et dans le monde arabe.         


From Geneses to Present Day: Challenges and Perspectives

Date: November 2-3, 2024

Location: Zoom + In-person at the University of Kairouan-Tunisia

N.B:  Participation is free of charge

Articles are accepted in English, Arabic, and French.


Arab and African animation has come into the spotlight, gaining more visibility in international festivals by virtue of a renewal of interest and curiosity for these societies since the popular uprising of 2011. The primary aim of this conference is to bring attention to film production that is still barely explored in film discursive practices and to expand the existing knowledge base on film and animation. The second objective is to map the theoretical field of African and Arab animation by approaching it as a whole. By “a whole”, we mean not only the final artwork but the whole ecosystem involved in its production, from the training of its authors to the various circuits of its distribution. This conference will focus on its inherent hybridity (between art and technology), its multi-layered filiations with other artistic expressions, its marginal status as a practice and in film studies, and how animation can be a social witness to major transformations.

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Autour des morts de guerre

Raphaëlle Branche, Nadine Picaudou et Pierre Vermeren (dir.), Autour des morts de guerre. Maghreb – Moyen-Orient, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, 236 p.

Alors que la guerre fait encore rage en Syrie et que les sociétés de la rive sud de la Méditerranée hésitent entre protestation ouverte et crainte de la violence d’État, il importe de saisir la place qu’occupent les morts de guerre dans ces pays du Proche et du Moyen-Orient, où ils paraissent si intimement liés à la culture politique. Continuer la lecture de Autour des morts de guerre